


Below are some links which may help when hunting out funding for IT projects and in general:


The Big Lottery Fund grants are between £10,001 and £500,000 for up to five years. http://www.biglotteryfund.org.uk/.

LASA  knowledgebase  on IT. http://www.lasa.org.uk/ict/

Funding Central: http://www.fundingcentral.org.uk/Default.aspx

Gift Aid explained by the charities aid foundation.https://www.cafonline.org/my-personal-giving/start-giving/gift-aid.aspx?gclid=CJWNtquQjLECFZMmfAodEx2HOg




10 Tips for Funding Technology (http://www.techsoup.org/learningcenter/funding/page4794.cfm)
- A TechSoup article on how to fund and sustain technology in your organisation so you can do the work that really matters